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November 26, 2023

Introducing Workflows and a New Starter 🌱 Edition in SaasRock v0.9.2

  • Name
    Alexandro MartΓ­nez
Introducing Workflows and a New Starter 🌱 Edition in SaasRock v0.9.2

Introducing Workflows and a New Starter 🌱 Edition in SaasRock v0.9.2

Hey there! With SaasRock Workflows in the fresh v0.9.2 release, tackling complex tasks just got a whole lot easier with no-code. Also, a new Starter edition has been released!

TLDR: Watch a demo.

Summarizing the v0.9.2 release:

Why is this not v1.0 yet? Help Desk and Affiliates are the 2 missing features. But in order to build Help Desk, I needed to build a workflow engine first.


  • Blocks: Triggers and Actions.

  • Variables and Credentials: Global variables and encrypted credentials.

  • Executions: A single run of a Workflow.

  • Workflow Context: Inputs and Outputs within a workflow execution.

Execution Modes

Choose between different modes for triggering a workflow:

  • Manual: Manually trigger a Workflow.

  • API πŸͺ¨: Use the API to trigger a Workflow @ /api/workflows/run/$id.

  • Stream πŸš€: Get updates from a stream (chat-like).

Tenants/Accounts can also create and run their own Workflows πŸͺ¨.

Workflow Features

There are 4 workflows editions:

See the full feature comparison in the following table.

Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 20.42.35.png

Workflow Blocks


  • Manual: By clicking a button

  • Row Event πŸš€: created, updated, deleted


  • IF: True and False paths

  • HTTP Request: Set method, URL, Body, and Headers

  • Log: Logs to system

  • Alert User: Sends alert to current user

  • Switch πŸͺ¨: Default, case1, case2... etc, paths

  • Iterator πŸͺ¨: For loop using a variable

  • Variable πŸͺ¨: Set a context variable

  • Wait for Input πŸš€: Waits for user input (support in Manual, API, and streaming)

  • GPT Chat Completion πŸš€: Call OpenAI API

  • Row Get πŸš€: Create an entity row

  • Row Create πŸš€: Create an entity row

  • Row Update πŸš€: Update an entity row

  • Row Delete πŸš€: Delete an entity row

Plus, on the Enterprise Edition πŸš€, I'll work on (long-term):

  • Crons support (Sleep, Delayed until...)

  • Send Emails

  • Global workflows (create a workflow in the admin dashboard for all tenants)

  • Advanced Workflow Analytics (i.e. percentages paths in a funnel)

Variables and Credentials

Sometimes it's useful to have a global state. For example, you may have multiple GPT blocks across many workflows, and if there's a new model released, you could create a variable {{$vars.gptModel}}.

In the case of credentials πŸš€, the only difference between them is that they're encrypted before storing and decrypted before using it, click here to see the method.

Workflow Context

A workflow execution will always have an output similar to this:

  "$params": {},
  "$session": {
    "tenant": {},
    "user": {},
  "$vars": {},


  • $params: Every execution starts with a JSON input

  • $session.tenant: If the execution is on the admin side, it's null

  • $session.user: If the execution is not started manually by a user, it's null

  • $vars: Global variables are injected

Finally, each executed block will have a value with the block name. For example, the following output is from the "GPT Simulator" workflow template.

  "$params": {},
  "$session": { "tenant": null, "user": null },
  "$vars": {
    "gptModel": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
  "waitForInput": {
    "input": "Hi"
  "if": {
    "condition": false,
    "expression": "{{waitForInput.input}} Equals bye"
  "gpt": {
    "result": "Hello! How can I assist you today?"

Using Variables

Since the workflow context has everything you need from the workflow execution, you now can access values from previous blocks. Using the previous example:

  • {{gpt.result}} will be "Hello! How can I assist you today?"

  • {{$session.tenant}} will be an empty string

  • {{$credentials.OPENAI_API_KEY}} will decrypt the value on the fly and destroy it

This is possible thanks to Handlebars.js.

Workflow Templates

I created a few templates that use every supported block, some of them are Core and/or Enteprise-only.

Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 18.50.51.png

Input Examples

While building and testing your workflows, it's useful to set a few input examples instead of having to type the input body every time. For example:

  • Existing item: The input is { id: 10 }, so you know the workflow must go through the success path

  • ID parameter not provided: This tests that the initial execution (manually, via the API or in streaming mode) is sent correctly.

And so on.

Input Validation

The Manual Trigger has a special "validation" field that receives a JSON configuration. This validates the schema using Ajv JSON schema validator:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "type": "number"
  "required": [

You can create any necessary validation schema to ensure the correct execution of a workflow.

I hope you're as excited as I am for workflows!

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